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Written by 23 February 2014
Have a nice digital clock in your page. This code will show time dynamically in your page. Note that you must download the images and insert it in the proper path.
<!-- this script is provided by coded by: Kerixa Inc. -->
<table cellpadding="5"><td bgcolor="black">
<img src="" name="hr1"><img
src="" name="hr2"><img
src="" name="mn1"><img
src="" name="mn2"><img
src="" name="se1"><img
src="" name="se2"><img
src="" name="ampm"></td></table>
<script type="text/javascript">
// (c) 2000-2009
dg0=new Image();dg0.src="";
dg1=new Image();dg1.src="";
dg2=new Image();dg2.src="";
dg3=new Image();dg3.src="";
dg4=new Image();dg4.src="";
dg5=new Image();dg5.src="";
dg6=new Image();dg6.src="";
dg7=new Image();dg7.src="";
dg8=new Image();dg8.src="";
dg9=new Image();dg9.src="";
dgam=new Image();dgam.src="";
dgpm=new Image();dgpm.src="";
function dotime(){
d = new Date();
hr= d.getHours()+100;
mn= d.getMinutes()+100;
se= d.getSeconds()+100;
else if(hr<112){am_pm='am';}
else if(hr==112){am_pm='pm';}
else if(hr>112){am_pm='pm';hr=(hr-12);}
document.hr1.src = ''+tot.substring(1,2)+'.gif';
document.hr2.src = ''+tot.substring(2,3)+'.gif';
document.mn1.src = ''+tot.substring(4,5)+'.gif';
document.mn2.src = ''+tot.substring(5,6)+'.gif';
document.se1.src = ''+tot.substring(7,8)+'.gif';
document.se2.src = ''+tot.substring(8,9)+'.gif';
document.ampm.src= ''+am_pm+'.gif';
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