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Written by 23 February 2014
This is a html and javascript integration to show current date and time in your page. Simple and useful.
<!-- this script is provided by coded by: Kerixa Inc. -->
<!-- this script got from by: Krishna Eydat -->
<script type="text/javascript">
tday =new Array("Sunday","Monday","Tuesday","Wednesday","Thursday","Friday","Saturday");
tmonth=new Array("January","February","March","April","May","June","July","August","September","October","November","December");
function GetClock(){
d = new Date();
nday = d.getDay();
nmonth = d.getMonth();
ndate = d.getDate();
nyear = d.getYear();
nhour = d.getHours();
nmin = d.getMinutes();
nsec = d.getSeconds();
if(nyear<1000) nyear=nyear+1900;
if(nhour == 0) {ap = " AM";nhour = 12;}
else if(nhour <= 11) {ap = " AM";}
else if(nhour == 12) {ap = " PM";}
else if(nhour >= 13) {ap = " PM";nhour -= 12;}
if(nmin <= 9) {nmin = "0" +nmin;}
if(nsec <= 9) {nsec = "0" +nsec;}
document.getElementById('clockbox').innerHTML=""+tday[nday]+", "+tmonth[nmonth]+" "+ndate+", "+nyear+" "+nhour+":"+nmin+":"+nsec+ap+"";
setTimeout("GetClock()", 1000);
<div id="clockbox"></div>
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