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Written by 23 February 2014
For the websites that usually contain programming codes, such as those that sell free codes or solve programming problems, It is essential to use a syntax highlighter. Without a syntax analyzer, the programmer's eyes get tired and can not read the code perfectly. The following code is a sample syntax highlighter and with linearization it has, the lines are not mixed together and the audience's attention is drawn back again.
<!-- this script is provided by coded by: Kerixa Inc. -->
<style type="text/css">
* {
margin: 0;
padding: 0;
body {
padding: 30px;
#highlight {
display: none;
/*styles for the pre tag*/
#layer {
font-family: monospace;
font-size: 12px;
line-height: 20px;
border: 1px solid #ccc;
background: linear-gradient(white, white 19px, #ddd 19px, #ddd 20px);
background-size: 20px 20px;
padding: 20px 30px;
white-space: pre-wrap; /*to wrap words*/
word-wrap: break-word; /*IE 5.5+*/
.sc {
color: brown;
.keyword {
color: purple;
font-weight: bold;
.string {
color: darkgreen;
.comment {
color: green;
background: lightyellow;
.function {
color: red;
<pre id="layer"></pre>
<!-- textarea to contain the raw sql -->
<textarea id="highlight" name="highlight">
#This is a mysql syntax highlighter
-- This is a comment
And this is a multi line comment
SELECT things FROM table;
SELECT AS agent, ``, d.first_payment_date, d.account_number, as disbursement_id, d.amount as loan_amount, d.late_fee, as bid, as borrower, as payment_frequency, as application_id,
(SELECT COUNT(id) FROM payment_schedule WHERE disbursement_id = AND skip = '1') as skip_count,
IFNULL(SUM(r.principal), 0) as paid_principal,
IF(d.interest_calculation_method_id = 2, d.amount, IFNULL((SELECT SUM(principal) FROM payment_schedule WHERE disbursement_id = AND skip = '0' AND date <= CURDATE()), 0)) as psprincipal,
IF(d.interest_calculation_method_id IN(2, 3), d.amount - (SELECT IFNULL(SUM(principal), 0) FROM receipts WHERE disbursement_id =, IFNULL((SELECT SUM(principal+interest) FROM payment_schedule WHERE disbursement_id = AND skip = '0' AND date <= CURDATE()), 0)) as psamount,
FROM disbursements d
LEFT JOIN receipts r ON
LEFT JOIN applications ap ON d.application_id =
LEFT JOIN agents ag ON ap.vt_user_id = ag.vt_user_id
LEFT JOIN borrowers b ON ap.borrower_id =
LEFT JOIN time_frequencies tf ON d.payment_frequency_id =
WHERE d.status = 'active'
ORDER BY due_date
<!-- jquery -->
<script src="" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
//full list of reserved words:
//adding lowercase keyword support
var len = k.length;
for(var i = 0; i < len; i++)
var re;
var c = $("#highlight").val(); //raw code
//regex time
//highlighting special characters. /, *, + are escaped using a backslash
//'g' = global modifier = to replace all occurances of the match
//$1 = backreference to the part of the match inside the brackets (....)
c = c.replace(/(=|%|\/|\*|-|,|;|\+|<|>)/g, "<span class=\"sc\">$1</span>");
//strings - text inside single quotes and backticks
c = c.replace(/(['`].*?['`])/g, "<span class=\"string\">$1</span>");
//numbers - same color as strings
c = c.replace(/(\d+)/g, "<span class=\"string\">$1</span>");
//functions - any string followed by a '('
c = c.replace(/(\w*?)\(/g, "<span class=\"function\">$1</span>(");
//brackets - same as special chars
c = c.replace(/([\(\)])/g, "<span class=\"sc\">$1</span>");
//reserved mysql keywords
for(var i = 0; i < k.length; i++)
//regex pattern will be formulated based on the array values surrounded by word boundaries. since the replace function does not accept a string as a regex pattern, we will use a regex object this time
re = new RegExp("\\b"+k[i]+"\\b", "g");
c = c.replace(re, "<span class=\"keyword\">"+k[i]+"</span>");
//comments - tricky...
//comments starting with a '#'
c = c.replace(/(#.*?\n)/g, clear_spans);
//comments starting with '-- '
//first we need to remove the spans applied to the '--' as a special char
c = c.replace(/<span class=\"sc\">-<\/span><span class=\"sc\">-<\/span>/g, "--");
c = c.replace(/(-- .*?\n)/g, clear_spans);
//comments inside /*...*/
//filtering out spans attached to /* and */ as special chars
c = c.replace(/<span class=\"sc\">\/<\/span><span class=\"sc\">\*<\/span>/g, "/*");
c = c.replace(/<span class=\"sc\">\*<\/span><span class=\"sc\">\/<\/span>/g, "*/");
//In JS the dot operator cannot match newlines. So we will use [\s\S] as a hack to select everything(space or non space characters)
c = c.replace(/(\/\*[\s\S]*?\*\/)/g, clear_spans);
$("#layer").html(c); //injecting the code into the pre tag
//as you can see keywords are still purple inside comments.
//we will create a filter function to remove those spans. This function will noe be used in .replace() instead of a replacement string
function clear_spans(match)
match = match.replace(/<span.*?>/g, "");
match = match.replace(/<\/span>/g, "");
return "<span class=\"comment\">"+match+"</span>";
</script><a target='_blank' href='' style='font-size: 8pt; text-decoration: none'>Html Best Codes</a>
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