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Written by 24 February 2014
When we want to show a ball that is constantly moving in a closed environment, we can use the following code. This code includes a blue ball that does not run out of energy and does not stop moving. The ball hits the walls and reflects back. You can use this code according to your taste and personalize the shape of the ball or its speed or other factors.
<!-- this script is provided by coded by: Kerixa Inc. -->
<!-- this script got from by: Krishna Eydat -->
<div align="center" id="img" style="position:absolute;">
<img src="" onMouseDown="pauseResume();">
var step = 5;
var delay = 30;
var height = 0;
var Hoffset = 0;
var Woffset = 0;
var yon = 0;
var xon = 0;
var pause = true;
var interval;
var name = navigator.appName;
if(name == "Microsoft Internet Explorer") name = true;
else name = false;
var xPos = 20;
if(name) var yPos = document.body.clientHeight;
else var yPos = window.innerHeight;
function changePos() {
if(name) {
width = document.body.clientWidth;
height = document.body.clientHeight;
Hoffset = img.offsetHeight;
Woffset = img.offsetWidth; = xPos + document.body.scrollLeft; = yPos + document.body.scrollTop;
else {
height = window.innerHeight;
width = window.innerWidth;
Hoffset =33;
Woffset =30;
document.getElementById('img') = yPos + window.pageYOffset;
document.getElementById('img').style.left = xPos + window.pageXOffset;
if (yon) {
yPos = yPos + step;
else {
yPos = yPos - step;
if (yPos < 0) {
yon = 1;
yPos = 0;
if (yPos >= (height - Hoffset)) {
yon = 0;
yPos = (height - Hoffset);
if (xon) {
xPos = xPos + step;
else {
xPos = xPos - step;
if (xPos < 0) {
xon = 1;
xPos = 0;
if (xPos >= (width - Woffset)) {
xon = 0;
xPos = (width - Woffset);
function start() {
document.getElementById('img').style.visibility = "visible";
interval = setInterval('changePos()',delay);
function pauseResume() {
if(pause) {
pause = false;
else {
interval = setInterval('changePos()',delay);
pause = true;
// End -->
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